Eine möglichst breitgefächerte, auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden abgestimmte Produktpalette anzubieten.
Den Kunden zu helfen, die mit der Konvergenz verknüpften Markttrends vorwegzunehmen.
Design to Logistic
Unter unserer Marke innovative Zubehörteile zu entwickeln : omuvit und unsere Lizenzen. Eine einwandfreie Logistik vor Ort.
Time To Market
Unseren besten Kunden in jedem Land unsere eigene Time to Market (TTM) und das Management eines kurzen Produktlebenszyklus zu vermitteln.
In general, we are very satisfied with the commercial relationship between Audim and ascendeo. I would like to point out specifically your availibilty to listen to us and the way you handled matters quickly and effectively.
Sylvie Mougel
Thanks to the experience of the commercial team and the quality of the services of the clients at my disposition, ascendeo has become a strategic and inevitable partner in the distibution of our products to the totality of our central and rural shops. ascendeo is now a main partner for our four product ranges : VOICE, IN-CAR, SPORT and MOBILE WORKER.
Anthony Adouane
The collaboration between ASCENDEO and DARTY is good. You show great business responsiveness skills which is an essential quality for a long-lasting collaboration. I wished to thank you for this great collaboration throughout the course of this year.